The keto diet, explained

The Keto diet, which is short for ketogenic, is an eating plan that focuses on foods that are low in carbohydrates and high in fat. The idea behind ketogenic eating is that by strictly limiting the carbs you eat and replacing them with high-fat options, you’ll send your body into ketosis. This metabolic state not only lowers your blood sugar and insulin levels, but it forces your body to burn fat for energy and can therefore be an efficient way for some folks to lose weight. As with any major dietary change, check in with your doctor before you begin to be sure it’s right for you.

What else can you eat for a keto breakfast?

Keto smoothie recipes seem to have endless iterations, so you can pick the ones with the flavors you love and that use seasonal produce available in your area. Keto-friendly shakes are also a great way to use up fruits and veggies that are left lingering in the crisper drawer. And when you’ve run through all your favorite low carb smoothie recipes, you can turn to other keto options including breakfast casseroles made with eggs, bacon, cheese and veggies; pancakes or waffles made with keto-approved almond flour; or shakshuka, a low-carb Middle Eastern dish of poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce made with onions, garlic, peppers, cumin and paprika. Homemade low-carb cereal or keto muffins are also great quick and easy breakfast ideas.

Keto-friendly fruits

You can consume the fruits below in moderation when following a keto diet.


Smart tips for blending keto smoothies

Making your own keto breakfast smoothies means you can customize your glass as well as save money. But sometimes a keto smoothie doesn’t come out quite as you’d intended. From the milk and milk alternatives you choose to the order of your ingredients—it all makes a difference. For the best results, like the ones you get from that pro at the juice shop, follow these tips:

Load it right

The order in which you place your ingredients into the appliance matters for the smoothest taste. To start, combine some liquid with leafy greens, if you’re using them, so they have a chance to puree well, and then add the rest of the fruits.

Go for frozen

Love that thick texture in your glass? It comes from frozen berries and bananas, which can sometimes be less expensive than the fresh variety.

Adjust the sweetness

More fruit can up that sugary taste you’re craving, while a squeeze of lemon or lime can temper your drink and offer a welcome tang. You can also try these keto-friendly sweeteners.

Pick the best avocado

Several of these keto smoothie recipes have avocados in them for their amazing mouth feel. When choosing yours, look for avocados with smooth dark green skin that aren’t too hard or soft (the outside should yield to gentle pressure).

Make it fun

A keto smoothie chugged on the go is fine in a travel container. But when you’re home, serve your drink in a pretty glass with a metal or colorful reusable straw. Want to eat keto-only on the road? Learn which drinks and foods at Starbucks are the best ones to pick when you’re following a low-carb diet.

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