Most users don’t share whether or not they have seen worms or have tested positive for parasites prior to these DIY treatments. Instead, most reference seeing it originate in prior TikToks. The advice given ranges from un-cited statistics to personal stories and more—one user even starts musing about fecal transplants, however, this procedure is not performed in cases of intestinal parasites.

How common are intestinal parasites?

There are no readily available statistics on intestinal parasites in the United States, though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does specify five parasites that are priorities for public health. Of note, however, is that the majority of these parasites can develop in multiple parts of the body and aren’t specific to the intestines. Some can be contracted through food, such as neurocysticercosis, but again, this isn’t limited to the intestines.  Gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD, creator of ProgenaBiome and author of Let’s Talk Sh!t, tells that intestinal parasites are very uncommon and not something she is regularly treating.  A recent study out of the Czech Republic namesBlastocystis sp. as a common intestinal parasite found in humans; however, don’t let this scare you. The study notes that it may be linked to inflammatory diseases in the gut, but in healthy people in Western countries, its prevalence is unknown and it hasn’t been confirmed to be harmful (and is speculated to even be beneficial). In functional medicine, where stool analysis tests are regularly performed—such as the GI-MAP—it may be more common for intestinal parasites and bacteria to appear, but again, there are no solid statistics or public health warnings issued. Dr. Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP, founder and executive director of Root Cause Medical Clinic, which has clinics based in California and Florida, says that intestinal parasites are quite common. “Conventional doctors typically test for just a few parasites and their testing will only find an acute (recent) infection such as the one you acquired while traveling, from food poisoning, etc,” notes Dr. Petersen. “Functional medicine doctors such as myself utilize comprehensive stool analysis that can identify a wide range of parasites and other organisms, even if they are chronic, meaning you’ve had them for a long time.” The takeaway here is not that you should worry you have an intestinal parasite; it is that there are tests that can confirm parasites if you are at all suspicious you have one. 

What are the signs and symptoms of intestinal parasites?

According to Dr. Petersen, common symptoms would include:

Diarrhea Constipation GasBloating Nausea

She adds that some people may experience eating and never feeling satisfied, skin conditions, fatigue, mood changes, and joint or muscle pain. Dr. Hazan adds anal itching to the list, but goes on to note that these are all vague symptoms and could also be a sign of another ailment or issue. Many of these symptoms would be seen in conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease, for example, so their occurrence should not immediately lead to a self-diagnosis of intestinal parasites.  “Remember, stools are waste; anything that’s leaving is something your body is releasing,” adds Dr. Hazan. “I would not necessarily focus on just one bowel movement where I think I’ve seen worms. Your stools are supposed to be composed of bacteria, fungus, parasites and frankly, sometimes fiber particles get confused with worms.“

What should you do if you suspect you have an intestinal parasite?

If you suspect you have an intestinal parasite, you should visit your doctor to get a test that can confirm its presence. It is not advised to try the TikTok trend of eating papaya seeds—”trace amounts of cyanide are present on the seeds of the papaya” according to Dr. Petersen—or taking a trendy supplement with ingredients you don’t fully understand.  “A targeted treatment for a known, identified parasite is your safest option,” adds Dr. Petersen. “Drugs do not have to be used to eliminate an infection, but a program that is created by a trained clinician familiar with treating parasites who, after treatment, works with you to strengthen your immune system so that you are less likely to be a target in the future, is the best approach.”

The bottom line: Should you try deworming?

Simply put? No. While you may not think you are doing any harm by eating papaya seeds or taking supplements that promise to cleanse the intestines, that isn’t always the case. According to Dr. Hazan, you “can potentially destroy your microbiome, killing the ‘good bacteria’ that protect us against viruses that can cause illness.”  Next up, read up on how your gut affects your overall health and immune system.


Chabé M, Lokmer A, Ségurel L. Gut Protozoa: Friends or Foes of the Human Gut Microbiota?. Trends Parasitol. 2017;33(12):925-934.  Fecal Transplantation (Bacteriotherapy). Johns Hopkins Medicine. Accessed 10/6/21.Lhotská Z, Jirků M, Hložková O, Brožová K, Jirsová D, Stensvold CR, Kolísko M, Pomajbíková KJ. A Study on the Prevalence and Subtype Diversity of the Intestinal Protist Blastocystis sp. in a Gut-Healthy Human Population in the Czech Republic. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol., 06 October 2020.Neglected Parasitic Infections in the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed 10/6/21.Neurocysticercosis. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed 10/6/21.Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD, a gastroenterologist, creator of ProgenaBiome and author of Let’s Talk Sh!tDr. Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP, founder and executive director of Root Cause Medical Clinic, which has clinics based in California and Florida Does the Deworming TikTok Trend Work  and Is It Safe   - 50