“When I wrote the story of Joe Kingsley and Cate Cooper, I definitely drew inspiration from John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette—a golden couple who enraptured the nation just like his father and Jackie had decades before,” Giffin says. “To me, John Jr. and Carolyn represent the ultimate “what if” scenario—what could have been had their lives not been tragically cut short.” Through this sweeping love story about fate and timing, Giffin reimagines history, capturing the gilded parts of the 90s, the weight of an American dynasty and the search for belonging. “I think the reason so many of us remain fascinated with the Kennedys is not just because of their fame, glamour and political influence, but because so many of their most intimate moments—both celebratory and tragic—have been on full display for the public. Because of this, we feel like we knew them.”
What inspired you to write a story about someone considered “American royalty”? And to explore topics of privilege and pedigree?
My books are always, first and foremost, relationship focused, so the impetus of the story is about these two young people from very different worlds, and whether the relationship they forge can survive all the obstacles in their path. That said, the book does take a very hard look at what it’s like to grow up with the weight of the Kingsley name, and what I would imagine that does to somebody trying to live up to expectations that, fair or not, come with it. You see that tension throughout Joe’s storyline, as his rebellious nature clashes with the demands placed on him. To contrast that, I wanted to make sure that Cate’s background provided the near opposite, someone who came from a broken home and who was never expected to be a part of Joe’s world. In the end, Meant to Be does explore what role wealth, privilege and pedigree play in a relationship, especially when one half comes from all of that and the other doesn’t.
How do you keep your characters both flawed and likable?
I’ve always written about unsympathetic characters, mainly because I love exploring flawed choices and the more nuanced emotional terrain that comes with them. Life is all about the gray areas, and things are seldom black and white, even when we wish they were. I believe most people are good at heart and are sincerely trying to do the right thing. Yet, we are all capable of missteps and hurting the people we love. We all have had to grapple with the guilt and regret from these mistakes and weaknesses. Creating that sense of empathy and understanding for how and why we came to make those mistakes—and what we’re doing to rectify them—is what I strive to achieve as an author and what (hopefully) makes the reader come to like, or at least connect with, the characters in the end.
What captivated you most about writing Cate’s story?
Could you imagine stepping into a relationship with someone considered the most eligible bachelor on the planet? Especially when you’re already experiencing imposter syndrome yourself? It was fascinating getting into Cate’s head and trying to flesh out what an exhilarating and terrifying place that would be.
What do you hope readers take away from Cate and Joseph’s relationship?
One of the central questions of this book is whether certain relationships and certain love stories are simply meant to be. On paper, I don’t think anybody would necessarily put Joe and Cate together, but relationships are never built by what’s right on paper. At the end of the day, I want readers to be immersed in this very unlikely, high-profile love story.
What’s your ideal reading setting?
I can read just about anywhere, but ideally, I’d love to be in comfortable chair with great lighting (my eyes are getting old!) and a glass of good bourbon.
How would you define a beach read?
To me, a good beach read has only one criterion—that it be captivating enough to keep your attention through hours by the ocean (or pool). All genres and formats apply!
What beach read are you most excited for this summer?
Katherine Center’s The Bodyguard.
What’s the next book on your TBR pile?
I’ve recently started an Instagram-based book club (@egbookclub–please join us!) where I pick one book a month and host a live discussion with the author. Each is hand-picked based on my real-life TBR pile, and the most recent selection is Adriana Trigiani’s excellent The Good Left Undone. Also: Selma Blair’s memoir, Mean Baby, Cleyvis Natera’s Neruda on the Park, Sarah Thankam Mathews’ All this Could Be Different and Tom Perrotta’s Tracy Flick Can’t Win.
What book do you most recommend to friends and family?
Ooh, that’s a difficult question to answer! Honestly, I recommend so many books and it’s a constantly changing list. Currently, I would say it’s Charmaine Wilkerson’s Black Cake, which may be my favorite book of 2022 (so far anyway)!
What’s one book readers might be surprised to see on your shelf?
Paul Kalanithi’s When Breath Becomes Air. Because so many only think of me in connection to contemporary fiction, they wouldn’t necessarily think I could love a memoir so deeply, especially one rooted in facing our own mortality. But the sheer beauty of this book transcends any genre and it remains one of my very favorite books ever.
Which author do you wish more people knew about?
Colleen Oakley. She is a fantastic writer and I’m surprised more people haven’t read her novels (they are all wonderful, but I’d recommend starting with You Were There Too). Incidentally, I also used to recommend Laura Dave when she was more unknown—and I was certainly right about her. She wrote the hit of 2021! You Were There Too
What book made you want to become an author?
I’ve always talked about Elinor Lipman’s excellent The Inn at Lake Devine as the book that gave me the courage to leave behind my legal career and pursue writing full-time. For that reason alone, it remains one of my all-time favorites. Next:Look Back at Photos of John F. Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette