Wall ropes are used to modify traditional yoga poses, often used as a supportive guide. Using these ropes can help you stay in a pose longer and observe each movement in greater detail. This helps you become more aware of your body in the process—your level of strength, flexibility, and balance, and what areas need to be strengthened.

What is wall rope yoga? 

“Wall rope yoga is a way to practice yoga poses with the use of the wall and the rope as helpers for resistance and support,” says Tara Stiles, wellness expert, bestselling author, and the founder of Strala Yoga. “The use of the wall and rope can add a feeling of relief in some positions.”

How to do wall rope yoga

There are many different ways to use wall ropes. At some studios and gyms you can find built in rope supports, Stiles explains. You can also create your own at home with yoga swings, hammocks and get creative with your own DIY structures.  You can use the rope and the wall to do things like hang upside down, support your back in a backbend, get a good shoulder opener, or even to help you balance, Stiles adds.

Benefits of wall rope yoga

Provides physical relief

Wall rope yoga will give you a nice, extra release from hanging on the rope that you wouldn’t usually get with your body alone. Hanging upside down can be nice for a release in your hips and back and refresh the mind, Stiles says.

Greater awareness

Wall rope yoga allows us to slow down and become more in tune with where we’re at on a mental and physical level. “Whenever we can use something to lean toward, away from, or hang on, we are gaining a sense of where we are in space,” says Stiles. “Awareness of where we are physically is incredible for mental health. We can feel ourselves and listen to our needs better when we are aware of where we are and how we feel.”

A better understanding of bodily movement

Similar to gaining greater awareness, you can also begin to understand the way your body moves on an intuitive level. This can impact how you perform everyday tasks and physically interact with others. “From a body position perspective, we learn how to move better in relation to others, whether that’s being more graceful and efficient as we navigate in the grocery store, or more attentive when we are in a work meeting or with family,” Stiles states. “Knowing our physical boundaries helps us be more balanced in all areas of life. It’s incredible how much leaning on a rope and a wall can give us.”

Great for learning inversions

Inversions can be intimidating if you’ve never done them before. Wall ropes can provide additional assistance and are a good stepping stone. “A big part of inversions is knowing how your head, hands, or shoulders should feel on the ground,” says Brett Larkin,Founder & CEO of Uplifted Yoga. “You’ll be doing so without putting pressure on those parts of your body, so you can learn proper alignment in a safe way.”

Takes the pressure off the spine

If you’re feeling sore, wall rope yoga can offer support. “Doing wall rope yoga can take the pressure off of your spine, increasing flexibility and releasing tense muscles. People commonly report that this helps with pain related to sitting at a desk all day long," Larkin states.

Improves your flexibility

“You can release muscles you wouldn’t be able to do on your own, which is a wonderful benefit,” Larkin explains. Next, read how to use yoga and tai chi chuan to tune into your body and reduce stress.


Tara Stiles, wellness expert, bestselling author, and the founder of Strala YogaBrett Larkin,Founder & CEO of Uplifted Yoga Everything You Need to Know About Wall Rope Yoga - 3