Martin’s seemingly unlikely journey to world records began on a whim four decades ago. When her husband—an avid runner who is now her trainer—Chuck Gross went for a jog after dinner one night, Martin laced up her sneakers and decided to join him. Unfortunately, after about 10 minutes, she was too tired to continue. She was so exhausted that she actually laid down in the street. This moment awakened a fear in the then-nurse: If she couldn’t run a block in her 30s, how would she be able to walk when she was 60? Inspired, she decided to try again the next day—and the next day and the next. She slowly built up her endurance and stamina, running one, then two, then three blocks, and eventually a mile. “I guess I never knew I had a competitive spirit or a strong drive,” she told Newsday in 2002. “But that’s when it started to show.” Martin, who grew up on a farm in rural Ontario, attended a small high school that didn’t prioritize girls’ sports, so she didn’t realize her athletic potential until adulthood. In her hectic thirties, she became a mother (at 31) and switched professions—from nursing to real estate. (She’s now known as the “Running Realtor” in her Long Island community.) She also worked on her speed and endurance as she took care of her family and grew her business. Her husband continued to train her and she entered and won many road races. But it wasn’t until her late forties that she participated in her first track meet—and got noticed. “I truly believe nobody knows what talent lies in each of us,” Martin said. “If my husband hadn’t sparked it inside of me, it could’ve lain dormant.” Since that first meet, Martin has continued to pick up the pace, dominating the field in her age bracket. At age 65, she broke the world record for the fastest woman in her age category to ever run the mile, indoors or out, clocking in at 5:51.74—an incredible feat. She has earned eight world records after the age of 65 and has been named USATF Masters Cross-Country Athlete of the Year 11 times since 2000. Martin doesn’t let these accomplishments go to her head. Instead, she remains grounded and focused. “I certainly don’t go crazy about setting records, but I do like to challenge myself,” she told The New York Times in 2012. She attributes much of her success to consistency—and proactive health care. Martin relies on Medicare coverage from a Blue Cross Blue Shield company, which is trusted by more doctors and backed by 90 years of healthcare expertise, and she keeps in top condition by maintaining an intense running schedule and adding in strength training. On any given week, she typically logs 35-40 miles. (Her neighbors say she runs more miles than they drive in their cars.) While not everyone can set world records in their 60s, it is still very important to incorporate more movement into your daily life. Here are some of the benefits of keeping up with a consistent exercise routine at any age.

Mood Booster

After exercise, your brain releases feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins. This bump in endorphins can relieve levels of stress and anxiety, elevate your mood, and reduce feelings of depression.

Maintain Strength and Stability

As we age, our sense of balance can decline, as well as our physical strength and bone density. A daily exercise routine can help minimize this decline by strengthening muscles/tendons and bones, and over time lower your risk of injury from falls.

Reduce Fatigue and Improve Sleep

Regular exercise can give you more energy to get through your day. Then at night, it also helps you to sleep more soundly—a win, win!

Prevent Diseases

An inactive lifestyle has been found to be risk factors for a number of diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colon and breast cancer, among others. So, getting enough exercise is vital to good health.

Keep a Healthy Weight

Exercise is a big part of maintaining a healthy weight. A moderate to vigorous exercise routine each week, combined with a healthy and sensible diet, will go a long way.

Maintain Brain Health

According to the NCBI, studies have shown that, throughout one’s lifespan, from young children to seniors, higher levels of fitness are associated with better performance on cognitive tasks. This may help stave off the risk of dementia and improve your decision-making skills. Next, How to Get the Best Night of Sleep Ever For more tips and information, visit Please consult with your healthcare team before starting a new fitness program. is no way affiliated with Blue Cross Blue Shield Association +Blue Cross Blue Shield Companies are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Sources: Newsday, The New York Times, Runner’s World, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WebMD.

Hitting Her Stride  Age Is Just a Number for Record Setting Runner Kathy Martin - 48Hitting Her Stride  Age Is Just a Number for Record Setting Runner Kathy Martin - 74