What is metabolism?

In case you’re in need of a refresh, metabolism is the chemical process your body undergoes to convert the foods you eat into energy. Even at rest, your body still needs energy to breathe, circulate blood and repair cells. The energy used for these processes is referred to as basal metabolic rate, which is affected by genetics, body size and composition, sex, age and other factors. Essentially, metabolism is the rate at which you burn calories for energy, explains Stephanie Nelson, registered dietician and nutrition scientist at Under Armour and MyFitnessPal. “A lot of people who want to lose weight think the more you restrict calories, the more weight you’ll lose,” she says. “They hold onto the ‘calories in/calories out’ mentality. The way caloric restriction impacts your metabolism and weight loss is dependent on many different factors. It’s all about finding out what works best for you, and you only get there by trial and error (and input from a professional).” Put another way, the pace at which your metabolism naturally works is called basal or resting metabolic rate, and everyone’s is different. “It’s the rate at which the body uses energy to perform its functions,” says William S. Yancy Jr., MD, program director of the Diet and Fitness Center at Duke University. Simply put, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body would burn if you stayed in bed all day, and on average, it accounts for about 50 to 60 percent of your daily calorie expenditure. You can’t easily change your BMR, which is determined by genes, age, gender, height, weight, the amount of muscle you naturally have and your thyroid hormones. But you can boost your daily energy expenditure—aka calorie burning—by being more physically active.

How to check your metabolism

A doctor can test your metabolism using a technique called indirect calorimetry, a breath test that measures the amount of oxygen you inhale and carbon dioxide you exhale and, thus, the number of calories your body burns at rest. That might be helpful if you think your metabolism is slow and you need more information to set a daily calorie goal, says Holly Wyatt, MD, medical director of The Wellness Clinic at the University of Colorado Anschutz Health and Wellness Center in Aurora.

How to increase metabolism

It’s possible to boost your metabolism, but it’s complicated. Metabolism is influenced by several factors, such as muscle mass, gut microbiome, stress, emotional health, sleep and physical activity, says Yufang Lin, an integrative medicine physician at the Cleveland Clinic. “A healthy metabolism supports a healthy body weight and energy levels,” she says. Much of the research on metabolism is conflicting, too, says Nelson. “It takes a real science expert to sift through all the research and understand what interventions work under certain conditions to increase your metabolism,” she says. “One thing that is a myth is that if one study says doing X, Y or Z increases your metabolism, that makes it fact.” That being said, there are a few ways to increase your metabolism.

Build muscle, but get cardio too

“Boosting metabolism has a great deal to do both with staying active and eating healthfully,” says Dyan Tsiumis, coach at MYXfitness. “The best way to boost your metabolism is by building muscle.” This is because muscle burns more calories per day than fat. “Also, increasing the intensity of your workout can raise your caloric burn in the moment and have a more lasting increase of your resting metabolic rate,” Tsiumis says. Adults are encouraged to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (or 75 minutes of vigorous activity) each week, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. At least twice a week, moderate or high-intensity strength training, like resistance or weight exercises, should be added. “The only way you can have a meaningful effect on the calories you burn is to move,” says David C. Nieman, director of the Appalachian State University Human Performance Lab in Kannapolis, N.C. He’s found that men who cycled vigorously—hard enough to sweat—for 45 minutes burned about 519 calories during the workout and another 190 calories on average over the next 14 hours. (The same principle would apply for women.) Mixing up the pace may help, too: A 2015 study found that varying walking speed during your daily stroll may burn up to 20 percent more calories. Adopting a strength and cardio exercise regimen is vital, but make sure you move consistently throughout the day, too Nelson says. For example, you might want to take a quick walk every hour or so, especially if you spend most of your day sitting.

Rest up

Americans are sleep-deprived, and studies show sleep disturbances are associated with obesity, Lin says. Getting enough high-quality sleep can do wonders for metabolism. Lack of sleep increases cortisol in the brain, telling your body to conserve energy. Sleep deprivation also interferes with decision-making, meaning you may not make the best dietary and lifestyle choices. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults sleep seven to nine hours per night. You can prioritize sleep by keeping regular bedtimes and wakeup times, disconnecting from electronics a half-hour before bed, limiting caffeine and alcohol before bed, and minimizing disruptions like light, sound and temperature. Stress also releases cortisol, and Lin says learning stress-coping skills like meditation, is critical to supporting a healthy metabolism.

Eat your fruits and vegetables

Whole foods, including fruits and vegetables, support a healthy metabolism. “This dietary pattern is rich in antioxidants and fiber, which support healthy digestion and early satiety and reduces inflammation,” Lin says. Spicy foods may also rev up metabolism. Research suggests the capsaicin in these foods reduces lipid deposits in the body and increases insulin sensitivity, all good for your metabolism. Federal dietary guidelines say adults need at least 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day. But, according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention, only about 10% of adults meet this requirement. Chronic inflammation and the healthy bacteria in the gut also play a role in metabolism, Nelson says. “Overall, high intakes of sugary foods, processed foods, and large amounts of animal protein have been associated with increased inflammation and decreased gut microbiota diversity,” she says. “It never hurts to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and beans or lentils. These foods support gut microbiota and reduce inflammation in the body, which may prevent negative impacts on your metabolism.”

Drink plenty of water (and coffee and tea)

Staying hydrated keeps your metabolism elevated, Tsiumis says. “Our bodies, need water to process calories—and, fuel nearly all bodily functions, so providing it what it needs can keep your metabolism boosted,” she adds. Drinking coffee and tea can be good for your metabolism too, but in moderation, Lin says. Caffeine acts a stimulant, which can increase metabolism short term. It also suppresses appetite, which reduces calorie intake. Short-term calorie restriction can aid weight loss, but it can lower metabolism in the long run. “This is not to say caffeine is bad for you,” Lin says. “Coffee has been shown to boost mental clarity, support liver health and reduce risk for Alzheimer’s disease.” Green tea may also help boost metabolism by increasing the amount of calories and fat you burn, research shows.

Stress Less

A study at Ohio State University found that women who reported one or more stressful events the day before—such as getting a traffic ticket or disagreeing with the boss—had a slower metabolic rate than those who didn’t, burning an average of 104 fewer calories after eating the same meal. That could translate into an 11-pound weight gain over a year, says study co-author Martha Belury. Steer clear of large meals if you’re tense, she advises, and seek out stress management techniques that can take the pressure o in the long run.

Check your thyroid

If the pounds are creeping on, your thyroid, which regulates metabolism, may not be churning out enough hormones. Your thyroid acts as a metabolic thermostat. It releases hormones that play a major role in controlling your body’s temperature and the rate that your body burns calories. When your thyroid is working at its max, your metabolism will be sky-high. If your thyroid’s function is impaired, the metabolic rate slows down and leads to weight gain. Hypothyroidism—an underactive thyroid—is common as we age. Other symptoms include fatigue, a slow heart rate, dry skin and constipation. Talk with your doctor about treatment.

Metabolism booster supplement

There’s no shortage of supplements promising to boost your metabolism and help you lose weight, but Lin urges caution. A quick-fix approach likely won’t work. “To have sustainable weight loss, the change needs to be lifestyle-based,” she says. Eating healthy, regular exercise, sleep and hydration offer the biggest benefits. These natural metabolism boosters are preferred to supplements, which aren’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. “Creating lasting healthy habits will have a better overall effect on your metabolism, while the course of drug treatment will only last as long as it’s taken,” Tsiumis says. Metabolism booster supplements could have some side effects, too, such as increased heart rate, stroke, seizures or even death, she adds. Taking a metabolism booster supplement should be a last resort if natural remedies aren’t working, Nelson says. Just make sure any supplement you take is third-party tested and talk to your doctor first. “There could be an underlying medical issue that’s limiting your metabolism,” she says.

What is the most effective metabolism booster?

Weight loss isn’t the only effect of a healthy metabolism. It can also clear the body of toxins, improve blood circulation, elevate mood and raise natural immunity, Tsiumis says. Making lifestyle changes is the most effective metabolism booster, and that becomes even more important as we age, she says, since basal metabolic rate decreases about 2% per decade after age 20. Just as your behaviors help raise metabolism, lifestyle can also destroy metabolism. Crash dieting is one of the worst things you can do for your metabolism, Tsiumis says, “Research has shown that extreme weight loss in a short amount of time will cause your metabolism to slow, which in turn leads to more weight gain in the future.” Another offender: Sitting all day, every day. “You don’t need to be moving constantly, but you should try to move consistently,” Nelson says. Taking a single hour-long walk at the end of a long day of sitting may not be as effective as walking in 10-minute increments several times a day. Varying up the physical activity in your day is equally important, she says, adding that focusing just on cardio or just on resistance training isn’t good for your metabolism. “Most people metabolically benefit from both,” Nelson says. Next, here are foods that can boost your metabolism.


Stephanie Nelson, registered dietician and nutrition scientist at Under Armour and MyFitnessPalWilliam S. Yancy Jr., MD, program director of the Diet and Fitness Center at Duke UniversityHolly Wyatt, MD, medical director of The Wellness Clinic at the University of Colorado Anschutz Health and Wellness Center in AuroraYufang Lin, integrative medicine physician at the Cleveland ClinicDyan Tsiumis, coach at MYXfitnessDavid C. Nieman, director of the Appalachian State University Human Performance Lab in Kannapolis, N.C.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans"Science Daily: “New study shows that varying walking pace burns more calories"Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine: “Sleep and metabolism: shared circuits, new connections"National Sleep Foundation: “How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?“Bioscience Reports: “Dietary capsaicin and its anti-obesity potency: from mechanism to clinical implications"Centers for Disease Control: “Only 1 in 10 Adults Get Enough Fruits or Vegetables"Frontiers in Psychology: “The Influence of the Gut Microbiome on Host Metabolism Through the Regulation of Gut Hormone Release"International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: “The Effects of Dehydration on Metabolic and Neuromuscular Functionality during Cycling"NPR: “Will Drinking Green Tea Boost Your Metabolism? Not So Fast"Aging Research Reviews: “Energy Expenditure and Aging” How to Boost Your Metabolism   Tips to Increase Your Metabolism  - 42