Many people have a health goal of wanting to lose weight after having a baby, but it’s important to be mindful of how to go about it. After all, giving birth puts immense stress on the body; and it’s important to heal and recover. Also, if you’re breastfeeding, your baby is still depending on your body for its own nourishment. With this in mind, it can be difficult to know where exactly WW can fit in (if it even does). So, can Weight Watchers and breastfeeding go hand in hand? Before diving right into WW, there are some guidelines registered dietitians want all breastfeeding moms to know.

General Tips for Healthy Weight Loss While Breastfeeding

If you have given birth in the last six months, registered dietitian Lizzy Swick, RD, says that now is not the time to prioritize weight loss. “The first six months of breastfeeding are about establishing a strong milk supply and supporting the body in healing from delivery,” she says. She adds that the body needs a lot of nutrition during this time and it’s normal to feel hungrier than you would be normally—even more than during pregnancy. Swick says to avoid the temptation of trying to “bounce back,” a cultural pressure that can actually work against healing and breastfeeding. Now is not the time to think about food restrictions. Once you’re past the six-month mark, Swick says that it’s okay to start thinking about how to build healthy habits in terms of food and exercise, though again she says to be gentle with this approach. “You want to continue to make sure that you’re eating enough food to support breastfeeding and repleting nutrients lost during pregnancy and delivery,” she says. Registered dietitian Lyndsay Hall, RD, says that the rate of post-pregnancy weight loss varies greatly from person to person. There are a lot of factors at play, so it makes no sense to compare yourself to other new moms (or the celebrities you read about online). “If the rate of postpartum weight loss is too rapid, it is possible that the maternal nutritional demands that breastfeeding involves are not being met,” she says. “As a result, breast milk supply may be impacted, which may not only impact the growth of the infant, but also threatens the numerous developmental advantages that breastfeeding involves.” With this in mind, Hall says that weight loss while breastfeeding should be done gradually through healthy lifestyle practices. Swick agrees, saying, “the idea is to go slowly, focus on nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods and get ample protein.” She also advises continuing to monitor milk supply and your baby’s growth. “If it takes a dip, you can course correct,” she says. Hall adds that it can also be beneficial to talk to your healthcare provider first, who can give you advice based on your specific medical history.

Is It Safe To Do WW While Breastfeeding?

Where does WW fit into all of this? First, it’s important to know how the program works. In a nutshell, Swick says that it works to put the body in a calorie deficit to promote weight loss, although instead of counting calories, you count points. According to Dr. Michelle Cardel, PhD, RD, the senior director of global clinical research and nutrition at WW, it is safe to follow WW while breastfeeding as long as you adjust your plan so it takes this into account. “The points budget will adjust to make sure you’re consuming enough energy and nutrients to support milk supply,” Dr. Cardel says. “If you’re just joining, you will be prompted as to whether or not you are lactating so your points allotment is reflective of your status, alongside other factors like age, weight and height.” Hall says that using WW while breastfeeding can serve as a helpful guide for putting healthy eating habits into practice. “[It may help someone] pay more attention to the foods they are eating and the choices they are making,” she says. However, she says that whether or not WW is safe and effective for a breastfeeding mom to lose weight depends on many factors, including one’s medical history. In other words, make sure your healthcare provider gives you the green light before you sign up. While WW’s points system can be helpful in terms of staying on track for healthy weight loss, Swick says that points are only part of the equation when it comes to staying healthy while breastfeeding. “It’s important to continue to eat nutrient-dense foods to provide the needed macro and micronutrients for your baby and you,” she says. Swick also says that some foods that are beneficial for breast milk production (such as healthy fats and starchy carbs) may be high in points. This could dissuade someone from eating foods that would otherwise be beneficial, even if done unintentionally. Her advice is to focus more on eating whole foods rather than points. “Perhaps a 100-calorie pack of cookies is [fewer] points than an apple with peanut butter, for example, but the latter provides more nutrition and will help you feel full and satisfied for longer,” she says. In general, Swick says that calories (or points) should be used as a guide, not the end all be all.

What About Exercise and Lifestyle Habits?

Contrary to what some may think, WW isn’t just about diet. Breastfeeding moms may find WW’s exercise and mindfulness tips helpful. “After giving birth, moving your body in ways that are convenient for your lifestyle and bring you joy are a great way to maintain your overall health and wellbeing, from improving your mood and mental health to helping you increase your strength postpartum,” Dr. Cardel says.  As with diet, she says to use a gentle approach to getting back into exercise—easing into it rather than going full force. “Make sure you listen to your body and stop if you feel like you’re uncomfortable or in pain,” she says. “Also, remember to give yourself grace along the journey. The postpartum period is a time of recovery and it’s normal to have to ease into some of the things you used to be able to do.” Dr. Cardel says that it can be particularly beneficial for breastfeeding moms to connect to other new moms through WW’s social media Connect communities. These groups are a place to share tips and get support. In general, as long as your healthcare provider says it’s okay, WW can be safe for breastfeeding moms. However, all the experts say that it’s important to listen to your body and to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients. “Pay attention to your body,” Swick says. “It can be easy to follow outside cues around food, such as counting points, but sometimes this can distract us from what the body is really asking for.” If you are breastfeeding and want to lose weight in a healthy way, WW is one tool that you may find helpful. But what’s most important is to listen to your body. No app or program is a replacement for listening to your gut; no one knows you more than you.  Next up, here’s how to know when it’s time to stop breastfeeding.


Lizzy Swick, RD, registered dietitianLyndsay Hall, RD, registered dietitian with JM NutritionDr. Michelle Cardel, PhD, RD, senior director of global clinical research and nutrition at WW