“Mental Health Awareness Month is important because so many times it gets overlooked unless something really major happens, like a death by suicide or a celebrity having some sort of a breakdown,” mental health advocate and author of The Precipice of Mental Health: Becoming Your Own Safe SpaceAchea Redd tells Parade. “Mental health is health and deserves to be put on the forefront just like the other illnesses we recognize throughout the year. The more we put it out front, the less stigma and the more normalized it becomes.” Find out the history of Mental Health Awareness Month, as well as other mental health holidays and observances.
Is there a National Mental Health Awareness Month?
Indeed there is! Mental Health Awareness Month is in May each year. May is also Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month and National Teen Self-Esteem Month. There are also several other mental health observances in May 2022, including:
National Mental Health Awareness Week (May 10-16, 2022)National Barber Mental Health Awareness Day (May 19, 2022)National Hairstylist Mental Health Awareness Day (May 27, 2022)
Is October or May Mental Health Awareness Month?
May is general Mental Health Awareness Month, but October is also an important month for mental health: It’s National Depression and Health Screening Month. Why is that equally important? Because about 16.1 million American adults suffer from major depressive disorder, while another 3.3 million American adults have persistent depressive disorder.
Why is May Mental Health Month?
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It was started to reduce the stigma associated with mental health and to encourage those who need help to seek it—it’s a sign of strength, not weakness. Mental Health Awareness Month was first honored in 1949. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) honors Mental Health Awareness Month each May, as do numerous other mental health support organizations.
Who started Mental Health Month?
Clifford Whittingham Beers founded the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, which later became the National Mental Health Association. Beers and several members of his family suffered from mental illness and were often hospitalized or placed in institutions, where mistreatment was rampant. Other organizations followed suit worldwide in efforts to find better treatment for and end the stigma surrounding mental illnesses and disorders, as well as increase empathy and compassion for those with mental illnesses and their loved ones.
What is the Mental Health Awareness Month 2022 theme?
The theme of Mental Health Awareness Month 2022 is “Together for Mental Health,” per NAMI. The idea behind the theme is for the world to combine their voices to advocate for mental health care and access to mental health services.
What is the color of Mental Health Awareness Month?
A green ribbon is a symbol for Mental Health Awareness Month. Next, check out the best mental health quotes to lift your spirits and help you know that you are not alone.