Tax Day Memes
1. We love a good pun!
2. What a relief!
3. A toast to CPAs.
4. Maybe only deduct a portion of it then.
5. Can anyone really understand tax rules?
6. This is too real, Marge.
7. Is this not the story of most of our lives?
8. It’s nice for them.
9. Independent contractors, you know this all too well.
10. And this too!
11. It does feel that way sometimes.
12. This applies to the stimulus, too!
13. We won’t tell!
14. MVP status achieved.
15. Give yourselves more credit, accountants!
16. For real though, why does no one teach us tax stuff in school?
17. It’s just so exhausting.
18. We wish!
19. Bill Murray remains one of the very best.
20. Every CPA this April:
21. Can you write off an orange jumpsuit?
22. “It was the IRS all alooooong!”
23. Remember: It’s your money you’re getting back!
24. We are not judging you.
25. What about the pain relievers for headaches they cause? Or the therapy you use to cope?
26. Honestly, furbabies should count. They’re not going to feed themselves!
27. “Dad? Mom? Help!”
28. Bringing with them frankincense, myrrh and deductions.
29. As a rule: When in doubt, overtip. When in not in doubt, also overtip.
30. Treat yourself (or your pets).
31. Moms, consider this the “thank you” they have yet to verbalize.
32. Been. There.
Next, check out these depression memes to help you feel less alone—and maybe even make you laugh.