Season 19 is the first of the hit ABC reality show in which two women look for husbands. After a few episodes, Rachel and Gabby decided to divvy up the dudes into their own separate groups. But on Monday night’s episode 5, Rachel was shocked to learn one of her men, Logan, had secretly been pining for Gabby! Things were bad enough for Rachel last time when, after the show set sail on a European cruise ship, she dissed her guys as inattentive. She expected a fresh start on a group date with Tino, Zach, Meatball, Tyler, Ethan, and Logan as their love boat headed to Bruges, Belgium. However, Logan privately visited Rachel to tell her why he wouldn’t be there! He admitted he had “feelings for Gabby….I’m going to have to step away from pursuing things with you.” Stunned Rachel replied, “I appreciate you telling me. I just wish it had been earlier.” Logan claimed he hadn’t been sure until recently.

The Real Reason Rachel Wants to Quit The Bachelorette

Rachel tearfully told the cameras, “I’m attracted to him….This whole time he was like, ‘How do I tell Rachel I don’t even want to be here?’ “ She moaned, “Everyone is leaving me. I don’t want to do this anymore.” Host Jesse Palmer visited crying Rachel in her ship cabin to emphasize that she still could get a marriage proposal on The Bachelorette. But he had to tell the other guys that Rachel had decided to cancel their group date! Meanwhile, Logan visited Gabby to tell her he had spoken to Rachel about his feelings—and ask if she would let him join her team. Gabby was concerned about Rachel and told Logan she’d have to talk to her before she decided. Rachel later told Gabby, “Logan dumped me for another bachelorette. It’s humiliating.” But Rachel told Gabby she didn’t want her to lose a chance with Logan if she saw him as promising. Still, Rachel told the cameras she saw Logan as untrustworthy and hoped Gabby sent him home! During a cocktail party, Rachel told her other guys about Logan and admitted, “It’s tough, the constant rejection.” She asked if anyone else wanted to leave her, but no one did. “I want to be your best friend. I’ll take any piece of you,” Tino then told Rachel, sharing a smooching session with her. Rachel also danced with Tyler in a disco room on the ship, and screamed with Zach to get rid of her stress.

Who got Rachel’s group party rose? 

Tino continued to look like a strong contender for the flight instructor’s heart, nabbing the rose. He had impressed Rachel by honestly conveying his hurt about the group date cancellation. While Logan waited on Gabby’s answer, Mario, Nate, Spencer, Jason, Erich, and Michael went on her group date. They took a boat ride through Bruges, made Belgian waffles, played soccer with local kids, and slapped each other with fish during a rock paper scissors game. Jason boldly kissed Gabby in front of everyone. That night, as the guys sat on the ship waiting for Gabby, Logan appeared and told them he’d been told “she wants me to have an opportunity to pursue her.” “I will be moving in with you guys,” he said. The other guys were shocked to have the sudden addition. Gabby appeared and giggled, “Logan is here. Here we are.” Her men decided not to be upset with the ICU nurse, but were still bugged by the new competition. Logan thanked Gabby for his fresh chance and they kissed.

Who received Gabby’s group date rose? 

Gabby gave it to Nate, who was “so elated.” While Erich was unsure where he stood, Logan knew he’d be “unpopular” with the group.

Who got Rachel’s one-on-one date? 

When he was left off of Rachel’s cancelled group date list, Aven knew he’d spend coveted private time with her. Rachel revealed in confessional, “I have very strong feelings for Aven.” They kissed in a horse-drawn carriage ride through Bruges, ate candy in a chocolate shop, and watched lace makers practice their craft. Rachel even kissed Aven while wearing a wedding-style veil! Over dinner, Aven told her his parents had split up and he had lived with his dad from the age of 10. “I just never really saw her that much,” he sighed about his mother. But later in life, the two had reconnected and she made him a good luck bracelet. Aven romantically gave the bracelet to Rachel for her Bachelorette journey. Rachel awarded him her date rose and they kissed. Aven raved to the cameras, “I’ve never felt this natural of a connection,” and they kissed outdoors amid fireworks.

Who got Gabby’s one-on-one date? 

Johnny got the honor and they visited a Belgian brewery and bathed in a beer tub! After their goofy fun, Johnny finally got serious and admitted to Gabby that he’d been hurt by a previous girlfriend who’d “disappeared on me.” He said he’d lacked confidence and “definitely struggled with depression.” That was music to Gabby’s ears, who told him she herself had “struggled with anxiety and depression in my life.” Gabby confided to Johnny that she felt “broken.” She appreciated his vulnerability and gave him her date rose. As the rose ceremony approached, tensions were running high as Gabby’s guys feared Logan would win a spot instead of them. Mario decided to wear his first impression tan suit again, but that’s what he’d been dressed in for his weird premiere kiss with Gabby! [] Logan and Gabby kissed wildly – while her other disgruntled dudes hope he’d be sent packing! The guys lined up by the ship’s pool for the ceremony. With Nate and Johnny already safe with roses from Gabby, she gave her other ones to Jason, Spencer, and Erich. Her final rose of the night went, controversially, to Logan—who boasted in confessional about being chosen over guys who’d been courting Gabby longer.

Who did Gabby send home? 

Mario V. and Michael V. got the axe, leaving her with six men remaining.

Who did Rachel eliminate? 

Rachel had earlier saved Tino and Aven with date roses. She gave the rest to Zach, Tyler, and Ethan, leaving James C. “Meatball” to roll off the show. Rachel, who ended the evening with five guys, stared hard at Logan after he received Gabby’s rose. The other guys reluctantly congratulated Logan afterwards, but a preview for future The Bachelorette episodes teased more drama for him. A clip showed host Jesse apparently telling Logan to pack his bags!