Spending a lot of time on your feet, or trading your slippers for regular shoes, can definitely take a toll on your feet. But there are a number of reasons that your feet might be hurting. Here are some of them.

Why do my feet hurt?

Your shoes don’t fit

How can shoes be ill-suited for your feet? Let us count the ways. You could be wearing shoes that simply don’t fit. Maybe they’re a half-size too small, and they pinch your feet, or maybe they’re too large, and your feet are sliding around in them, which may cause blisters. Or maybe you had a baby and gained some weight, so your shoes don’t fit quite the same anymore, says Dr. Jacqueline Sutera, DPM, a podiatrist in New York who also works with Vionic Shoes. You might not even be aware that you’re not always wearing the right size shoe for your foot. As Dr. Richard Silverstein, DPM, a podiatrist associated with the University of Maryland notes, shoes are cut differently, and you might wear one size in one brand but another size from another manufacturer. “Putting your foot into a size 8 is not always going to work, as you may measure larger or wider,” says Dr. Silverstein. Regardless of the reason, shoes that don’t fit your feet are a no-go.

Your shoes don’t have enough support

Ask a podiatrist how they feel about flip-flops and prepare for a heated response. Hint: they don’t like them. But even good shoes that fit your feet correctly will wear out after you’ve worn them long enough. Wearing shoes that just don’t give your feet enough support can make your feet feel achy and tired. And if you continue to wear shoes without good support, you may eventually develop plantar fasciitis. (More on that shortly.)

You’ve been going barefoot too much

Is there such a thing as “going barefoot too much”? As it turns out, there is. “Our fat pads on the bottom of our feet become thinner over time,” explains Dr. Sutera. “It’s just a natural thing that happens.” And if you walk around barefoot all the time, it might also contribute to some of the atrophy of that natural cushioning, she says. That doesn’t mean you can never go barefoot, of course. And you don’t have to wear your “outside” shoes when you’re inside your home. But you might try slipping on a comfortable pair of slippers with some arch support when you’re just padding around your house.

You have plantar fasciitis

A thick band of tissue known as the plantar fascia connects your heel with your toes. And when this band of tissue across the bottom of your foot gets inflamed, you’ll definitely know about it. Plantar fasciitis often starts as a stabbing pain when you first try to walk in the morning, according to the Mayo Clinic. Sometimes it ebbs after you’ve walked around for a while but prepare to feel the pain again if you sit or lie down for a while, then stand up to walk again. Resting your foot, icing, stretching exercises, and over-the-counter pain relievers can help relieve some of the pain and inflammation. You might also find some relief by inserting orthotics into your shoes for some arch support. Losing a few pounds, if you’re overweight, can also help.

You’ve developed an ingrown toenail

When a corner of your toenail begins to grow down into your skin, you’re developing an ingrown toenail. Most of the time, ingrown toenail occurs on one of your big toes. They’re super common, too. The Cleveland Clinic reports that two out of every 10 people who consult a healthcare provider about a foot problem has an ingrown toenail. The most common culprits are ill-fitting shoes (again) and not cutting your toenails correctly. “It’s almost always the way that the nail is cut or the length or shape of the nail,” says Dr. Sutera. She recommends using the right tool, which is a toenail clipper, and carefully trimming the toenail so that the shape is square, with just a slightly rounded bit at the edges. And don’t let the nails get too long, either.

You have tendonitis

You can develop tendonitis of your foot or ankle if a tendon becomes inflamed. Overuse is the most common cause of this kind of tendonitis, but an injury or even an infection might be the cause of your tendonitis. A few other factors that can increase your risk include age and weight–that is, as you get older, you’re more prone to developing tendonitis, and if you’re overweight, you’re also at increased risk. If you develop any pain, stiffness, or swelling in your foot or ankle, get it checked out. You might just need to rest your foot, or wear a splint or a brace on it until it improves. You may need to change the type of shoe you’re wearing, says Dr. Sutera. But you may need more intensive treatment, which could range from physical therapy to steroid injections to surgery.

You have a stress fracture

A stress fracture is a small crack in a bone or severe bruising to a bone that causes pain in your foot (or ankle, depending on where it develops). The most likely culprit: your excellent intentions. People who begin to exercise more frequently or more vigorously are the most likely to develop this type of stress fracture, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). And it’s not just sports that can cause overuse injuries that result in foot pain, adds Dr. Silverstein. “It can also be activities such as ballet,” he says.

You have bunions

A bunion is a big bony lump or bump along the outside of your big toe. Over time, pressure on your big toe can push it to slowly toward your second toe, eventually pushing your normal bone structure out of alignment. The lump forms at your metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. So where does that pressure come from? Once again, it probably comes from your shoes. As the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons cautions, “Anyone can get a bunion, but they are more common in women. Many women wear tight, narrow shoes that squeeze the toes together—which makes it more likely for a bunion to develop, worsen and cause painful symptoms.” So maybe ditch the shoes with the narrow, tight toebox and opt for wider shoes that give your toes more room can alleviate the bunion-causing pressure.

Still trying to figure out what’s causing that pain in your foot?

It’s always worth it to see a doctor if you have persistent foot pain, especially if you aren’t really sure why you have it. You may have developed some other type of condition that needs a diagnosis and treatment, notes Dr. Sutera. Next up: 5 Top Shoe Buying Tips to Banish Achy Feet


Jacqueline Sutera, DPM, a podiatrist in New York.Richard Silverstein, DPM, a podiatrist in Maryland.Bunions. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.Bunions. Cleveland Clinic.Foot or Ankle Tendonitis. Mercy Health.Ingrown Toenail. Cleveland Clinic.Plantar Fasciitis.Mayo Clinic.Stress Fractures of the Foot and Ankle. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Wondering Why Your Feet Hurt  Podiatrists Break Down All the Possible Reasons Why - 60