The smell of your pee can tell you a lot about what is going on in your body. So if you notice a particularly strong or funky odor when you sit on the toilet, it might set off some alarm bells as you think to yourself, Why does my pee smell?And you’re right to be at least a little bit concerned: If your urine is normal and healthy, it actually shouldn’t smell like much of anything. “Healthy pee should smell like urine, which has a  certain ammonia type smell to it—but it shouldn’t have a strong odor,” says Dr. Daniel S. Elliott, MD, a urologist at Mayo Clinic. If you’ve noticed that your urine has developed a strange smell, there could be many causes. Some are serious, and others have quick and easy fixes. Here are eight possible culprits of smelly pee.

8 reasons why your pee smells


According to Dr. Elliott, the most likely cause of smelly urine is dehydration. He notes that if you are dehydrated, your urine will also be dark in color. And according to Mayo Clinic, if you have consistent or prolonged bouts of dehydration, it can also lead to urinary tract infections—so be sure to drink enough water throughout the day!


Foods that are high in sulfur compounds, like asparagus, Brussels sprouts, garlic and onions, can cause your pee to smell. It’s totally normal, and “no fear should be associated with it”, says Dr. Elliott. But, if the smell of your pee is really bothering you, you can consider consuming less of these veggies if your diet is high in them.

Medications and supplements

“Sulfa medications used to treat bladder infections and other infections, diabetes medication, and  rheumatoid arthritis/ulcerative colitis medication Azulfidine (sulfasalazine) can cause urine to smell bad,” says Dr. Elliott. “High doses of vitamin B (thiamine) can turn the color of urine very yellow and make urine smell.”


If you have an infection, your urine could smell very foul or stale, according to Dr. Elliott. “If associated with burning while urinating, you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI) and should get a urine culture,” he adds. “Other infections that cause urine to smell include sexually transmitted diseases, specifically chlamydia, or bladder infections (which are very common in women).”


People with diabetes may notice that their urine smells a little sweet. “Diabetes affects sugar metabolism, and the smell of urine,” says Dr. Elliott. Diabetics who poorly manage their disease may notice their urine has a sweet smell, which is caused by excess glucose secreted in urine.


If you’re pregnant, you may notice some changes in the smell of your urine. “Changes in hormonal status can change smell of urine, and make it foul or concentrated,” says Dr. Elliott.

Genetic conditions

Dr. Elliott notes that there are also some rare genetic conditions that may influence how your urine smells, like “maple syrup urine disease,” a rare but serious condition that means the body can’t process certain amino acids, and trimethylaminuria, a common condition that produces a fishy smell.

Keto diet (ketosis)

If you are on the keto diet and in ketosis (when the body breaks down fat for energy instead of carbs), it can make your urine smell like nail polish remover (acetone), a ketone that the body releases when you’re in ketosis.

When to see a doctor

If you are concerned about the way your urine smells, you should check in with your doctor—especially if foul smelling urine is accompanied with pain or blood. “Pain and blood almost always indicates infection,” says Dr. Elliott. “It is never normal to have blood in your urine, and  this could represent cancers.” He adds that if your primary care doctor can do a urine culture (urinalysis) to further see if there are any issues or infections present. Next up: Top 8 Foods to Avoid for Bladder Health


Dr. Daniel S. Elliott, MD, a urologist at Mayo Clinic. Wondering Why Your Pee Smells  Doctors Explain What Might Be Going On - 23